Think “Outside” the Christmas Box

Here in Southern California we get to dine outside almost year round. So to make the most of our "predictable weather", I decided to host an alfresco Christmas Dinner Party. Libations bar included a white sangria (see link for recipe: below), to which I added raw floating cranberries for that Holiday feel. The table decor consisted of pomegranate adorned florals & individual Christmas Crackers (a family tradition-What traditions do you like to add to your Holiday tablescape?)

Adding these elements certainly helped us feel the warmth of the Holiday Season & invoked a feeling of Christmas...even if Jack Frost wasn't nipping at our nose.

This year, looks like I'll be heading inside as SoCal (or maybe Santa) has provided some cooler weather...Stay tuned & bundle up "baby its cold outside" okay... its like 60 degrees, but still.