Election Night Elixir

First, get out there and VOTE! Then, make a drink...preferably a stiff one. 

I'm home with a very sick, almost three year old, and my day has consisted of wiping boogers, dealing with lots of cranky-big-feelings, and staying in pajamas (I'm talking about ME, of course). The three year old has been quietly cuddled on the couch, doing her best to stay hydrated, and singing to a small, white unicorn. I need a drink! Not because of her...because let's face it... after this long, tumultuous political season couldn't we ALL use an Election Night Elixir!

Don't worry, when my husband stops home for lunch I'll run out in my pajamas (what? It won't be the first time...or the last) get my VOTE in and then... I'll hit the store for a few key items (that's right, in my pajamas). Here's what we'll need:  

1. Vodka

Then drive home.

Ohhh, you wanted an actual recipe? My bad. Okaaaay... 

One Part: BlueberryVodka

One Part: Limoncello

Two Parts: Cherry 7-up

On Cocktail Skewers: Blueberries & Raspberries

DRINK UP...Have a great evening and which ever way the political winds blow... I hope by the end of results-night you too can be curled up on the couch, hydrated and singing to a small, white unicorn. Cheers!

Election Night Elixir 

Election Night Elixir